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Who doesn’t love to feel a little SKYN here and there? Well, now you can get a whole lotta SKYN with the SKYN Larges from Lifestyles.These condoms underwent a recent label change and baby, they could ...
Lifestyles SKYN Announcement- Wrapper Change - (Post)Over the last couple of weeks, we have been getting a ton of emails asking us where our SKYN Large stock was, and to be completely honest, we didn’t really know.Our contact at Lifestyles didn't have ...
Condom Pack Review: LifeStyles SKYN Selection - (Post)I really couldn’t wait to try out our latest addition to the non-latex line, and I was one eager beaver when I heard that we were getting in the LifeStyles SKYN Selection Pack.Polyisoprene has long b ...
Legal Battle over Non-Latex Condom Material - (Post)here’s some family bickering going on in the world-wide condom collective. Ansell, the makers of LifeStyles brand condoms, is currently in the process of suing Reckitt-Benckiser, makers of Durex cond ...
5 Best Non-Latex Condoms - (Post)Are you or your sexual partner allergic to latex? That’s OK! You can still stay safe with a latex-free condom and there's plenty of non-latex condom options to choose from. Here's our line-up of the ...
Q: Which condoms smell and taste the best? - (Post)Q: Hi, My wife hates the smell and taste of regular condoms. We don't need condoms for contraception, but which no smell & taste condoms can you recommend for us, as she refuse outright to let me ...
LifeStyles: Brand History & Products - (Post)Over five decades ago, the LifeStyles brand launched their safer sex products to the international market. Using their rubber expertise, they've been paramount in revolutionizing the condom manufactu ...
What do I do if I'm allergic to latex condoms? - (Post)Q: My wife is allergic to latex. How do we have safe sex?A: The first thing we always ask is, “Has your wife received a diagnosis for her latex allergy from a doctor?” The reason that we ask this is ...
Top 10 Condoms for Hipsters - (Post)If you’d be mistaken for a hobo, if it wasn’t for your constant iPhone use, you might be hipster.Hipsters are known for their discerning taste preferences, including fine wines, small batch craft bee ...
Top 10 of the Best Ultra-Thin Condoms to Buy in 2023 - (Post)One of the most common complaints we hear is that guys can’t feel anything when they wear a condom. If you’re convinced that’s problem, then it’s time to try a new style, like an ultra thin condom (a ...
LifeStyles Snugger Fit Announcement – Wrapper Change - (Post)It’s that time of year. Trees are being decorated, warm sugar cookies are being pulled out of the oven and LifeStyles Snugger Fit condoms are flying out of our warehouse. But, wait! What is this purp ...
Condom Reviews - (Page)Condom Reviews Discover the Best Condoms for 2025 Curious about which condoms are the top picks for 2025? You’ve come to the right place. Our updated Condom Reviews and Ratings page is de ...