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Natural Lubes are chemical free and are generally for those that have an allergic reaction to chemicals that can be found in other personal lubricants. Always latex safe, each of the natural lubes at Condom Depot are selected due to their high-quality ingredients. For people with allergies, finding the best natural lube can be extremely difficult. That's why we have curated the best natural personal lubricants for people with allergies or sensitive skin. We have the perfect natural lube for you!
Even though all natural lube is natural, it is still common for people to have allergic reactions. This is why we highly recommend that you test the all natural lube. Even when testing all natural lubes, be sure to test a small sample of it on your skin before you use it as an all natural sex lube. Just like our non-latex condom selection, it is always best to test it before you expose even more sensitive areas to it.