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Search our entire condoms inventory by Style. Here you will find ribbed condoms for her, thin condoms for him and even flavored condoms for oral sex.
Condoms come in a variety of styles, each designed to provide a different type of sensation or to fit a particular type of anatomy. Some common styles of condoms include:
Standard or Regular: This is the most basic and traditional style of condom, and is usually made from latex. It is designed to fit the average penis size.
Ultra-thin or Sensitive: These condoms are made from a thinner material and are designed to provide increased sensation during sex.
Ribbed or Textured: These condoms have a ribbed or textured surface and are designed to increase stimulation for both partners.
Large or Magnum: These condoms are larger in size than standard condoms and are designed to fit men who are larger than average.
Snug or Tight Fit: These condoms are tighter around the base of the penis, providing a more secure fit.
Flavored: These condoms are coated in a flavored lubricant, and are often used during oral sex.
Non-latex: For individuals with latex allergies or sensitivities, non-latex condoms are made from materials such as polyisoprene or polyurethane.
Spermicidal: These condoms contain a chemical called nonoxynol-9, which is intended to kill sperm and reduce the risk of pregnancy.
It's important to choose a condom that fits well and feels comfortable, to help reduce the risk of breakage and increase the effectiveness of the condom as a barrier against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).