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ID Lubricants

  • ID Glide Personal Lubricant | Buy personal lubricants online from Condom Depot

    ID Glide

    The ID Glide Personal Lubricant is ideal for use with condoms because this water-based formula is extremely thick, rich and long lasting. Since it is water-based, it also safe for use with all adult...

    $9.46 - $18.96
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  • ID Millennium | Buy ID Glide personal lubricants from

    ID Millennium

    Sick and tired of breaking the mood in order to re-apply your lubricant? Then it’s time to get some ID Millennium personal lubricant. This extremely long-lasting, silicone-based lubricant can...

    $14.52 - $34.34
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  • ID Pleasure Lubricant | Buy ID Lubricants online with Condom Depot

    ID Pleasure Lubricant

    Looking for a premium water-based lubricant with an added rush? ID Pleasure personal lubricant fits this bill. Similar to the ID Glide, this lubricant also has the added feature of an arousing,...

    $9.90 - $19.80
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