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Can a Condom Hold Three Bags of Potatoes?

Can a Condom Hold Three Bags of Potatoes?

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We love encouraging people to use condoms, and we love it when other people encourage folks to use condoms. But sometimes, we see something that just doesn’t fit right.

A Condom Can Hold What Now!?

Our assumption is that whoever came up with this fact did so with good intentions-- perhaps they found that condoms could withstand a weight of over fifteen pounds and decided that three bags of potatoes, at five pounds each, could be comfortably carried in a single condom. We don't know, but sometimes, when something just doesn't look right, you just have to science it out.

We asked our friends on Tumblr if they thought we should give this myth a whirl. Here’s what they said:

We can admire that myth for letting people know that there’s no excuse for not wearing a condom, but that doesn’t always mean that a condom won’t break if it’s too small or if it’s not being used correctly. Even the snuggest fitting condom can be stretched beyond it's limit, but that doesn't mean the condom is comfortable. Just read our male staffer's review of the Iron Grip condom to see what we mean.

When you know how to use a condom correctly, condoms become very durable and reach their 98% effective rate. While it's fun to stuff a condom full of potatoes, what you learn from doing so doesn't effect on a condom’s true purpose-- protecting you and your partner during sex. While condoms have many other uses and make great camping companions, it doesn't make sense to emphasis a condom's durability by using anything but it’s intended use.

Comfort is key! You’re exactly right! It doesn’t matter how much you can fit into a condom-- it matters whether or not it’s comfortable on you. Every penis is different, so every penis finds different condoms more comfortable. We have no way to measure the comfort of potatoes, apart from using a stethoscope to listen for their tiny, tiny screams as we suffocate them with their potato brethren in their latex tomb.

I mean, we have no way of measuring a potato’s comfort.

This is a big problem with this myth. It’s difficult to measure the weight of a penis without (eek!) just chopping one off. And even then, penises weigh differently depending on their size, on whether it’s erect, and many other factors. Condoms should be tested by volume-- and even that doesn’t always work. This myth is saying that condoms can hold a certain amount of potatoes-- so that's what should be tested.

Condom Durability

Condoms have to be comfortable, they have to be stretchy, and they have to be able to withstand a lot of heat and friction. It’s true that they are very, very strong. But there are so many opposing factors that go into whether or not a condom will break-- the only way you can know for sure that yours won’t is if you use the right size and use them correctly.

While the three of us here at Condom Depot HQ were arguing over whether we’d go mashed, canned, or Idaho, our good friend Micah pulled a Fortinbras and did it for us. Take a look below:

Thank you, Micah. You are the hero Condom Depot needs. We’d like to send a care package your way, so get in contact with us.

You’ll notice that while Micah didn’t get three bags of potatoes (or even one bag) into that condom, he still got quite a few, causing that condom to be GINORMOUS. And you’ve probably see the image of the girl with her entire foot in the condom, or the kid filling up his entire sink with a giant condom water balloon. While it’s totally true that condoms can stretch to ridiculous proportions, that doesn’t mean that you’d have to have a penis the size of a watermelon to break one, or to even feel uncomfortable in one.

Got a condom myth you want busted? Send it our way, or film it on your own, and if we like your video, maybe we’ll send you a little somethin’ somethin’. Thanks to our friends at DC Rubber Revolution for being so cool about us playing scientist. We're big fans of your work!

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