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Latex free condoms are thinner than latex condoms, so they increase sensitivity and are more agreeable in feel and appearance to many men. Unlike latex condoms, non-latex condoms can be used with water and oil-based lubricants. Latex free condoms also conduct heat, making them very popular with couples.
Browse all of the latex free condoms available and find the solution that works with your preferences! We sell the best non-latex condoms online from popular brands like Durex, LifeStyles, and Trojan.
If you're allergic to latex, these products are ideal. You'll be able to promote safe sex and prevent pregnancy without sacrificing your comfort and pleasure.
Not sure what non-latex condom is right for you? Try our non-latex condom sampler. For people with latex allergies, it's the closest thing you can get to the World's Best Condom Sampler.